Order a custom poem:
Want a custom poem but don’t have time to find me in the wild? I can write a custom for you or anyone you want. Send me as many or as few details as you want, and I will craft a custom poem which can be professionally scanned then emailed or sent through the mail to you.
Need Something Typed:
Need something written down, but don’t want to settle for the coldness of a printer? I can type whatever you desire, whether it be wedding invitations, personal cards, or anything else you have in mind. I have typewriters in a huge range of different typefaces and with a selection of different ribbon colors for any occasion.
Want me at your event:
Would you like to give your guests a unique one of a kind keepsake and an unforgettable encounter? I am happy to join you at your event, such as your wedding, birthday, or other celebration! Have something bigger, such as a music festival or street fair? I am always open to attending public events where I can share my love of typewriters and my art!
Collaborate With Me:
Are you a fellow artist or writer who would like to work with me? Have an idea for a project we could work together on or a project that could use a hand typed touch? Feel free to reach out to me! I am always interested in meeting other artists and sharing ideas with them!